12 Free Cable Knit Beanie Patterns Anyone Can Wear

Cable Knit Beanie: Free Patterns
Hi, fellow yarnies! I’m going to share a secret with you all. I love cable knitting. There is so much fun in the way that you can add texture to just about any project you want. Today, I’ve got 12 Free Cable Knit Beanie Patterns Anyone Can Wear so that everyone in my life and yours can enjoy a cable knit as much as me! The thing is, everyone sees this texture a bit differently, so I’ve taken the time to bring together a lot of different variations.
One really exciting thing about each cable knit beanie pattern is that you’ll learn a new way to enjoy the cable knit, too. Since they all focus on different aspects, this is going to be the intensive study that you never knew you needed.
A warm and fun hat is the perfect opportunity to really explore the potential of cabling, too. Since hats are generic, always come in handy, and are great for presents, you can’t go wrong! You can explore ones with poms or classic skull caps. Some have large cuffs on them, and others don’t. Some feature really prominent cabling, and others let it stay in the background to give you as much creativity as possible.
If you love the idea of making a free cable knit beanie but aren’t sure who to give it to, I get that. You can give these as gifts for babies, a sibling, a partner, a parent, or a friend. You can also donate these to hospices and hospitals if you want to do your part to spread some cheer, colour, and pattern!
Please note, that this post may contain affiliate links. I will earn a small percentage if you purchase any item through the links on this site, but it will be at no cost to you. You can see my full disclosure policy here. Thank you for supporting my work and this blog.

Free 12 Cable Knit Beanie Patterns Below
Now for the best part. Take a detailed look at the photos and sneak peek information below for each of these 12 designs. If you are new to yarn work and are worried, the details will help. You can get to know what to expect for each free pattern so that you won’t take on something that doesn’t feel doable.
If you are ready to get to work on one of these patterns, click on the link in the description and you’ll be taken to the designer’s page to be started. There is no need to log in or sign up since these patterns are free for you to use as many times as you want!
If you are enjoying what you see, consider taking a moment to share a kind comment with the hard-working designer. They’ll appreciate your time!

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